Monday, November 28, 2016

Check out my latest images . . . I'm thrilled to share them with you! 🙆🏻

Thanksgiving is the perfect time .  .  .  for beginning again. Those of you who would rather not be tempted with the Instagram playground, please check this out. I am now beginning to post my MOSTLY DAILY ADDITIONS to my Instagram Gallery and much, much more on this blog . . . I hope, throughout my blog, you will become inspired and delighted with what you are seeing. I will also let you know when a photograph has landed a feature on Instagram . . . more pure FUN! 📱

Please feel free to add comments and/or begin a dialogue . . . creative or not . . . as you are moved. Let this be your invitation to my Playground!

Do visit often . . . I'd love to hear what you're up to!

My latest features on Instagram this holiday weekend:

Today, Sunday November 27th . . .

I had just fed the machine and grabbed my ticket for the boat leaving from the Larkspur Ferry Terminal for San Francisco . . . and then I saw this. As I was walking up the steps to board, this was too vivid to pass up!

Featured on @Popyacolour Hub for the week's theme: Blue and Yellow. Moderated and selected by the amazing San Francisco photographer, Julie Gebhardt @juliegeb. An unexpected surprise to wake up to!

Yesterday, Saturday November 26th . . .

Featured twice in one day . . . a FIRST!

Staying at friends' home in Woods Hole on The Cape in October, the temperature had plummeted from 90° F. to 30°F. At that point, it felt so wonderful to sneak in a little nap overlooking the water with the sun streaming through the windows and spilling onto the comfy cushion laden bench below . . . this is what I saw as I stretched out. I was indoors protected from the howling wind and found myself quite toasty and daydreaming in the sun as if I were on a tropical beach island . . .

Featured on @myworldinblue Hub today by the Founder of MyWorld_in_COLORS, @joseagonzalo.
Jose thoughts on the color blue:

            Blue is a color representative of confidence, sympathy, and all long-lasting feelings.

Now for my final feature for Thanksgiving weekend:

I halted when I saw this painted wall on NW 23rd Street in Portland, OR, during my recent visit at the end of September . . . I chuckled and just had to shoot a reminder! (artist unknown)

Yesterday's Daily Feature, (also on Saturday, November 26th)  @tv_typography Hub selected by @charlottesmathiesen.

Do stay tuned for my next update . . . Hope you had as wonderful a Thanksgiving as I shared with my family, good friends, new acquaintances and Instagram!

Enjoy and SEE well!  JuliAnne